Saint Macaire

Saint Macaire 1 Field
Saint Macaire is a medium ripening black wine grape from France. It has a medium growing season with low yield potential. Vitis vinifera, the selected clone for data analysis was Saint Macaire FVH6V5, IC69.8108. Grown for commercial wine production in Australia. The prime name of this variety is Saint Macaire.
Variety: Saint Macaire
Colour: Black
Seeded: Yes
Bud Burst Days (July 1=0): Medium 77.00
Flowering Days (July 1=0): Very Late 122.00
Veraison Rating: Medium 188.00
Harvest 22 Brix Days (July 1=0): Medium 252.00
Seasonality (days): Medium 186.00
Leaf Area Index (m2/m2): 3.30
Bunches Per Shoot: 1.70
Yield Potential: Low
Berry Weight (g): 1.74
Total Soluble Solids (° Brix): 22.00
pH: 3.79
Titratable Acidity (g/L): High 5.62
Tartaric Acid (g/L): 6.30
Malic Acid (g/L): 3.65
Tartrate Malate Acid Ratio: Medium 1.73
Anthocyanins (mg/g): Very High 2.06
Phenolics (au): 2.06
Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen (mg/)L: 390
Potassium (mg/)L: 2,400.00