Malta Seedless

Malta Seedless Field 1 Malta Seedless Field 2

Malta Seedless is a medium ripening white table seedless grape from United States of America. It has a medium growing season with high yield potential. Vitis vinifera, the selected clone for data analysis was Malta Seedless IC75.8275. The prime name of this variety is Sultana Moscata.

Variety: Malta Seedless
Colour: White
Seeded: No
Bud Burst Days (July 1=0): Early 72.00
Flowering Days (July 1=0): Late 119.00
Veraison Rating: Medium 183.00
Harvest 22 Brix Days (July 1=0): Medium 242.00
Seasonality (days): Medium 173.00
Leaf Area Index (m2/m2): 3.72
Bunches Per Shoot: 0.70
Yield Potential: High
Berry Weight (g): 3.05
Total Soluble Solids (° Brix): 20.30
pH: 4.58
Titratable Acidity (g/L): Very Low 1.93
Tartaric Acid (g/L): 5.10
Malic Acid (g/L): 2.30
Tartrate Malate Acid Ratio: High 2.22
Anthocyanins (mg/g): Unknown .
Phenolics (au): .
Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen (mg/)L: 222
Potassium (mg/)L: 1,550.00