
Taminga 14 Field Taminga Studio Field Taminga Studio

Taminga is a very early ripening white wine grape from Australia, bred by CSIRO and released to industry in 1982. It has a short growing season with high yield potential. Vitis vinifera, the selected clone for data analysis was Taminga MR38-13, AC82.8351.The prime name of this variety is Taminga. Grown for commercial wine production in Australia. It is suitable for warmer Australian conditions, producing both a high quality botrytised sweet wine and a wine ideal for blending.

Variety: Taminga
Colour: White
Seeded: Yes
Bud Burst Days (July 1=0): Early 67.00
Flowering Days (July 1=0): Medium 105.00
Veraison Rating: Medium 183.00
Harvest 22 Brix Days (July 1=0): Very Early 203.00
Seasonality (days): Short 138.00
Leaf Area Index (m2/m2): 5.51
Bunches Per Shoot: 1.60
Yield Potential: High
Berry Weight (g): 2.31
Total Soluble Solids (° Brix): 21.70
pH: 4.24
Titratable Acidity (g/L): Low 3.55
Tartaric Acid (g/L): 5.35
Malic Acid (g/L): 3.65
Tartrate Malate Acid Ratio: Low 1.47
Anthocyanins (mg/g): Unknown .
Phenolics (au): .
Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen (mg/)L: 263
Potassium (mg/)L: 946.00