
Pignoletto 1 Field

Pignoletto is an early ripening white wine grape from Italy. It has a short growing season with high yield potential. Vitis vinifera, the selected clone for data analysis was Pignoletto Clone 2 FSAC. Small quantities grown for commercial wine production in Australia. The prime name of this variety is Pignoletto. Grown in Bologne, and the North and Central regions of Italy, both still and sparkling wines are produced. The still wines are lively and crisp and the sparkling wines are aromatic with the flavours of limes and green apples. High tannin levels add texture to wine.

Variety: Pignoletto
Colour: White
Seeded: Yes
Bud Burst Days (July 1=0): Medium 76.00
Flowering Days (July 1=0): Very Late 123.00
Veraison Rating: Medium 190.00
Harvest 22 Brix Days (July 1=0): Early 221.00
Seasonality (days): Short 150.00
Leaf Area Index (m2/m2): 3.16
Bunches Per Shoot: 1.60
Yield Potential: High
Berry Weight (g): 1.55
Total Soluble Solids (° Brix): 21.60
pH: 4.00
Titratable Acidity (g/L): Low 3.56
Tartaric Acid (g/L): 4.30
Malic Acid (g/L): 3.54
Tartrate Malate Acid Ratio: Low 1.22
Anthocyanins (mg/g): Unknown .
Phenolics (au): .
Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen (mg/)L: 212
Potassium (mg/)L: 1,625.00